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The reason for that is that I think that it is possible to capture the feeling of the air which lurks in space, as well as what appears like the energy which the subject has by anchoring the image in time during which I coexist with the subject by having captured it. I do so by taking the time that is as close as possible to that duration. It is like the work of scooping the fish which swims in the sea of ether along with the ether each time.



The image which I used for these works was photographed by long-time exposure or is the accumulation of plural images.

The reason why I accumulate exposure and the image for a long time is from the next reason. It catches the information that a subject has as much as possible, and this is because it wanted to fix all.

It is approach giving "a grand total" to say mathematically.

As a result, I clarify  uncertainty part and essential part of the subject. And I intend to catch something like approximate value to have of the subject.

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