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「プラトンのイデア」と「Ecce Homo」


「Ecce Homo」はスペインのSanctuary of Mercy Churchという教会にある、画家Elias Garcia Martinezが100年以上前に描いたイエスキリストのフレスコ壁画である。2012年、セシリア ヒメネスはこの「Ecce Homo」の修復を手がけた。彼女はアマチュアの風景画家であり、絵画修復については素人であったが、善意でその修復を行った。ところが完成した肖像画はイエス キリストとは思えないまるでサルの様な姿に変貌していた。この事件は報道により世界中で話題となった。

ある日、このニュースを知った時、私の頭の中で「Ecce Homo」と「イデア」の二つが繋がった。今迄ずっとモヤモヤしているものが急に晴れた感じがしたのだ。

















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Philosopher Plato called the apple which was the absoluteness with the property of all apples with "the idea" of the apple. The word apple contained it and thought that the words were derived from consciousness.

Even if we watch a different apple, it is said that it is the same apple. The reason is because we recognize that all apples are the same in consciousness.

"Ecce Homo" is a fresco of Jesus Christ whom painter Elias Garcia Martinez in the church called Spanish Sanctuary of Mercy Church drew more than 100 years ago.

In 2012, Cecilia Jimenez dealt with restoration of this "Ecce Homo".

She performed the restoration with good will. However, she was an amateur landscape artist and was an amateur about the picture restoration.

However, the finished portrait became the figure not to think of to be it with Jesus Christ. It totally became the figure such as the monkey.

This case became the topic by the news all over the world.

One day when I knew this news,"An idea" was connected to "Ecce Homo" in my head.I felt that the thing which I felt fuzzy in all the time cleared suddenly so far then.

Anyone has not watched faces of Christ. Not to mention Jimenez, author oneself of the fresco is so, too.In other words Christ existing in this world is an idea called Christ whom there is in consciousness of somebody.Probably it will be a thing formed of a picture and the book which we watched in the past. Or it will be a thing formed from tradition by the word of mouth.

In other words the people are Christ that what people recognize exists in each consciousness when they watched various Christ.

When we watched a certain image, we choose little information in the brain one's than the information of the real image.

This is because there is not danger crushed by much information to experience for the first time.

I search the uncertain image that such a human being has.

I catch information as many as possible by exposing a subject for a long time,And I intend to catch something like approximate value to have of the subject.

This is to understand the subject as much as possible, and, as a result, I should be able to watch some essence to have of the subject.

I produce a work to build a route about next. It is an unstable part of the images that image and I whom I arrested have.


Basic way of thinking in the work production


1.Embodiment of the time element

I catch information as many as possible by exposing a subject for a long time,And I am going to fix all.

It is approach giving "a grand total" to say mathematically.

It is intended to clarify the uncertainty part  and an essential part of the subject.


2.Visualization of internal existence

I perform work extracting only the space where there is the most time when a subject exists in a certain space.This is intended to extract the part which seems to become the nucleus constituting an image.


3.Liberation from support

By placing an image in the unstable environment daringly,I let it loose from the restraint of the support and am intended to let only simplified essence appear.

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